Guilty Pleasures is a weekly 2 hour radio show that plays some of those songs you don't hear on UK radio very often & others that will make you turn up the radio they are so good.
Each week Guilty Pleasures plays a mix of big hit songs that sound great on the radio, some you probably haven't heard on the radio for a while, and a few that were hits in other countries like America, Australia or Canada.
There are thousands of great songs out there that get little or no airplay, but now you can hear them again each week on Guilty Pleasures.
Guilty Pleasures is available to air on your Internet/community or commercial radio station. For more details e-mail me.
To hear a demo of the show, click here.
A million seller, A couple of #7 hits and a couple of songs that have a connection.
North American hits from 'Till Tuesday, Kansas and Trooper.
Other top songs from Galaxy, O.C. Smith, Fleetwood Mac, The Farm, Cutting Crew, Patrick Hernandez, The Big Dish, The Tymes and loads more
Click on a logo below to go to the station's website, then click on their "listen live" button.
All the times listed are UK.
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